Thursday, May 13, 2010

Westley at Work

Wes went shoeing yesterday... we like to start occupational training early 'round here! Actually, Beau had thrown a shoe (and then developed an abscess in a different hoof... but that's another story!) and needed some attention- with a full work week we had to take the opportunity when it arose. Which meant, Wes went to work!
We tucked him into his farm chair and kept him in out of the way places in case Beau were to get rowdy (highly unlikely!) He like being by the anvil with Daddy, the hammering was fun to watch and although pretty loud, it didn't bother him too much. Then, he moved under the slide out, and that was great until Daddy started grinding... the sparks were not going near him, but they were flying in his direction- the sound and sparks were a little too much. He fussed a bit, but otherwise was great! We were able to get 4 shoes done with him just hanging in his seat. He had toys but didn't play with them- happy to just watch and listen to all the goings on.
But, it was hard work and we caught him sleeping on the job for a minute or two!

1 comment:

  1. That is awesome! He is at such a great stage that he stays put and just like to absorb it all :)
