Monday, March 8, 2010

7 weeks, still no computer

Saturday marks another week with Wes. Seven weeks- can you believe it has almost been 2 months. Marking babies age in weeks vs. months sort of confuses me. Wes was born on a Saturday, so I count the weeks by Saturdays, but in months I count by the date he was born- the 16th... can you see smoke yet?! Why do they make this so complicated- I felt the same about weeks vs. months in pregnancy... sigh.

Wes was 11lbs 2ozs this weekend, he is gaining well! He is quite chubby, and we have moved all his newborn clothes out of his dresser. He has a whole new complete wardrobe to work thru now! Savanna and I have fun picking out cute outfits for him to wear! He is tracking with his eyes and is very interested in looking around. He does not want to just be held- he wants to walk around and look at things all the time! He likes his stroller and we enjoy walking now that we have some sunny 40+ afternoons. He sleeps fairly well- usually 10:30 or 11pm to 4am or sometimes 5. He will typically nurse and go back down after an hour or so and sleep until 7 or 8. I'm pretty happy with it, it works well for me.

He will stare at your face and try to imitate your lip movements. He seems to know that he does something with his mouth, and then noise should come out... he is successful occasionally and has made a few vowel sounds here and there. He by no means babbles, but you can tell he is trying to communicate via sounds. I can't wait until he is more successful- but for now we have fun "chatting." His favorite spot in on the drier- he has a nice pad on top and when the machine is running the thump and heat seem to sooth him. It's really the one thing you can be pretty sure will work to calm him down when he is fussing!

My computer is still down, Bill needs some parts to hopefully fix it. I've been sharing and took the opportunity to post a picture from my phone- he is all bundled up for a walk 'round the neighborhood!

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