Tuesday, April 21, 2009

One week in

Today it is pouring rain, making treatment difficult. I also have a massive headache. Its been going on 4 days now... I felt sure it must be a sinus infection, but the Dr. assured me it is just "extreme sinus congestion" which he suggests if left untreated will be an infection... It has made me pretty miserable, but I continue with the ice/cold hosing and hand walking. And, I do think the hock looks better- marginally, and to someone who has not been staring at it for weeks, maybe not really at all. But I do think that between the fog in my brain, and the sheets of rain I do see the beginnings of some contour on the front. That has me hopefully. As does the fact that Beau is now bucking and trying to bolt on the lead line. Not helpful when you are trying to keep him quietly hand walking- but hopeful none-the-less.

Today is one week since the hock injection. Approximately 14 hours of hosing and about 5 of hand walking ought to have made some difference... I'll keep you posted. We had word that we might *possibly* be able to trot by the end of the week. In hand? On the lunge? Under saddle? I'm not sure, but trotting was the word!


  1. I hate it when the people I love are sick- I am hoping the sinuses are better soon! I felt so bad last month, I hate you might be feeling that way. I guess that's how you feel about Beau, too?!?

  2. you are the bestest horse mommy ever
