Friday, March 16, 2012

100s Day Celebration

Last week was the 100s day celebration for our little town's elementary school.  Since Billy is the only one left, it was sort of sad... this is one of my favorite things the school does!  The kids start after Christmas with a non-perishable food item per classroom and the goal to gather 100 before the 100th day of school.  All of what they get is then donated in this assembly presentation to the food pantry in town.  I'm am not getting much computer time these days, so with the delay I have forgotten how much was donated... but I know it was a lot!  These kids all work really hard and take such pride in getting to their goal. 

 Billy's 4th grade class had baked beans, and they made a rat display with their cans.  He has the whole group into rats with him! 
Wes and I went to Billy's school for the assembly, it was fun- I like these sorts of things.  The sense of community is great  It was especially nice where Wes didn't have to sit still and be quiet, it won't be too long before he and his kindergarten class have their own food donation goal!

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