Sunday, January 2, 2011


A new year has come and with it a renewed sense of resolution. As in years past, I've made some goals for myself... and as in years past I am not terribly hopefully that they will stick, but I'm going to give it a go.

Firstly, in an attempt to get the house looking and feeling better I have instituted family pick up. Basically at 7:45 on all school nights, we will spend 15 minutes collectively picking up before bed. Everyone needs to pitch in and hopefully this little "blitz" will make a difference around here. The kids can work in their rooms, speed thru their chores, or just find a spot to tidy up. I need there to be less clutter and chaos and I need to feel less like a maid. For now the kiddos are going to be on their own to find a job to do for this clean up. I may end up having to ask them to do certain things... like take up all the junk that accumulates downstairs during the day... but Id like for them to just do whatever little job they see that needs doing, and hopefully learn how a little straightening here and there can really help the cause!

My second goal is a more personal one. I have got to get my weight under control. I don't like the way I feel, and I don't like the way I look. I'm not sure how or where to find the motivation, or dedication... but it has to be done! So, support me: call me out on my crappy eating, cheer me on, hold me accountable to my health and well being... sigh. My plan is to continue to enjoy the Holiday bounty until after Westley's birthday, then I must cut calories! I hate it already. It is just so much easier to stick your head in the sand and pretend like there is no problem. Well, I've got a problem and it has GOT to get better. I'm not sure how I'm going to make myself stick with it, but I know what I need to do. Eat less, move more...

My final goal is another challenging one. And yea, it's sort of cliche that all of my 2011 goals are the typical ones everyone makes and then breaks... but I need to start spending less. There are some major things I'd like seen done in 2011 (a barn and riding arena, the second bedroom and bathroom in the basement) and we will need more $$ available to do them. So, I must spend less in order to make these a reality. The little nickle and dime things will be the death of me... so in 2011 no more silly spending.

So, there. These are my goals. Any bets on how long I last?!


  1. Eating better is hard, but for me, cutting the $$ down is harder! I wonder what em thinks and if we can do something together??

  2. I have seen you conquer and rule over many things , you will as you always do meet your goals and probably surpass them ! GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ALEX !


  3. Hey Alex.. our goals for 11 sound much the same.. I'm with you on these.. we should do a once a month meeting and check in on each other...

  4. Alex - all great goals! Across the board I think all the "little things" add up - like the kids picking up a little, spending a little less here and eating a little less there. It does and will make a difference - the laws of matter cannot be denied ;)

    I had this thought recently that life is made up of little decisions and those decisions add up to your day, and then those days add up to your life ;) Similarly, I heard a saying once that said "how you live your days is how you live your life" :) Anyways that is why New Years is so great - a perfect time to reflect and make adjustments where you want to. Lots of love
