Monday, January 17, 2011

12 months of Wes and his Bear

From One Month Old....

To One Year Old!
I'm so glad I decided to do this... and I can't decide if I'm done or not... I just love having this record of how much Wes has grown!


  1. isn't that just the BEST!!! I am so glad you did it as well.... still got to meet this little guy in person......

  2. How fantastic - I LOVE the series!! :)

  3. you should keep doing it until he is in pre-med it would be cute !

  4. What is known about Muslim women

    Prefer this video and learn about the lives of Muslim women

    Here's a video also shows the true religion, and the fact that Christianity

    Wishing you a happy

  5. That is so very cool. And boy isn't he a stylin dude with all those fancy outfits.

    Just stopped in to lurk but decided to comment as I am also located here in southern Maine.

    hang in there, Mud Season is closing in. The frost heaves are already in place.
