Thursday, August 6, 2009

Sorry, no pictures

I have a great shot of the hole in Beau's leg. The hock is pretty impressive, it looks like a gun shot to the side of his leg. The vet was out yesterday and sedated him to further examine the hole. It extends in both directions as far as her pinkie finger will go (it was pretty odd to watch her had disappear inside my horse!) but not up or down too far. She said we may need to open it larger and put in a drain in the next few days/week... we shall see. She also did radiographs of the hock and gaskin to rule out any boney involvement that might be causing this... she was booked solid and said she might not get to develop the films yesterday, but she would call when she had them done. I'll keep you posted, and hopefully once Bill gets his new computer up and running mine can get put back together and I will be able to post the grizzly shots of his hole for all of you to see.

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