Monday, August 24, 2009

It's a......

Meet the newest Houston. Yes, folks. We are expecting! Today I am 19weeks pregnant with our new little guy. We went for an ultrasound this afternoon and were told 90% that we will have a baby boy January 18th (or there abouts!) We are all very excited- especially Billy. He wanted a brother- he said he might cry if it were a girl. I told the ultrasound tech that she was going to make somebody cry at our house tonight. But, not really since the girls took it well, even though they were rooting for a sister! I'm sure Billy would have upheld his threat, so all is good. Now that the news is public I'll be blogging about the journey towards motherhood. It's been an interesting ride thus far...


  1. CONGRATS!! That is awesome! Is this your first one? All 3 are bonus kids right? I am excited for you!

  2. OH!OH!OH!!!! ALEX!!!! how wonderful!!! and super congratulations!!!!! this is so nice to hear..... I am so excited for you!!!! new babies all around I guess!!!! please keep us posted on all the great events!!!!!

  3. Oh My goodness!! I am so excited for you!!! Congrats!! A boy!! How much fun!! I hope you are feeling well, and haven't been sick. Because being sick is the worst thing ever.....ugh.....!! I am so happy for you and I can't wait to hear about your baby tales!!!

  4. Yeah!! Congraulations to your whole family - I can't wait to see the baby updates on your blog and hear how the little guy is growing :)

  5. So... now that I am seeing the ultrasound closer and just sitting here... I do believe that baby has a finger up his nose! Ha!
