Sunday, July 5, 2009


After a glorious trail ride this morning, the last thing I wanted to do when I got home was go down to the pond. But, being Billy it was the first thing on this kid's list for a sunny Sunday I had to acquiesce and take him down for some "hunting"

I had gotten a few new nets this week- the only ones left were pink, but he didn't care- they were new and had nice long handles so off we went. I'm not sure who was happier to be down there, Billy or the dogs!

Oliver sets frogs- he has always done it and we find it so funny to watch him point and then set them 'till he shakes... then finally he has to go for it- and when he catches one he just lets it jump right back out of his mouth. Otis on the other had does more swimming then hunting, but he does take the occasional break from his laps to hunt up some frogs too!
With all the cold wet weather there didn't seem to be as many frogs as usual, I'm sure they are burrowed down deep in the mud waiting for the water to warm up! He did mange to fill a bucket with bull frog "tad-a-poles" and after sitting in the sun watching the dogs play and him hunt, with my root beer in hand, I decided I was glad that I had been "forced" to come down. We are so lucky to have this great little pond right in our back yard- Billy and the dogs are in heaven... what a great place to grow up!

1 comment:

  1. I am glad you guys have had some sunny weather! It's nice to be able to get out and ride. It's been too hot here to ride. It's crazy! It hasn't rained in weeks. That pond sure looks like a boy's paradise!!
