Friday, July 3, 2009

Sun, Sun, Sun!

Finally, the sun has come out! It may just be a passing thing, but I had to jump at the opportunity! I am so glad to feel the rays and to be able to get the three-some out for some grass! I'll only give them an hour or so as it has been a few weeks since they were out to pasture- but it was suddenly so nice, I couldn't pass up the chance to get them out there!

Finally Savanna and I got our chance to ride! We hopped on this morning, before it got sunny but at least we had some saddle time! Squeeke is in heat, so that was interesting for Savanna to experience, but all in all they did great! We had fun working around the house- I thought the field was too wet for her first excursion in a while. Beau was good, and I'm sure he liked the easy workout with his "girlfriend!"
My Mom and are planning to take the kids strawberry picking in a bit, I'm not sure if there are any that have not floated away, or rotten in the field, but we plan to try to get some! Olivia has been under the weather- so I think she might have to miss, but she needs to rest and get her energy back!

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