Monday, July 20, 2009

A turn for the worse

Sigh. After a really great ride yesterday, I awoke to Beau with his left hind leg back to swollen like a ham hock. It is as big as it was during the worst of our previous cellulitis drama. I called right away and our vet was able to come right out. She confirmed what I already suspected- the cellulitis is back. Beau got an IV dose of the big bang antibiotic we ended up using at the clinic and banamine. My vet spoke with the surgeon from NEEC and he wants him on 3 doses of oral baytril and if we don't see improvement we will have to reevaluate. His temp was down this afternoon, and he was more willing to let me palpate it- but no change in the swelling. As before, I'll cold hose and stack wrap and monitor it closely.

No way to know what caused this bout- he has not a single mark on him... I am pretty downhearted... we were just getting back to having fun...

1 comment:

  1. Oh Alex!!! not again... I am so sad to hear this news... please keep us posted... I will say a prayer for Beau tonite....
