Tuesday, August 14, 2012

R.I.P Pip

We lost our poor Pip this week.  She had been getting more and more "old" looking- loosing weight and not grooming herself well anymore.  I took her in a few weeks ago to get checked and they couldn't find anything major the matter with her- just chalking it all up to being a "geriatric."  Well, she continued to not do so well, and in fact got worse with some funky smelling drool- so we decided to have a dental cleaning done for her hoping it would help her eat and clean herself better; and maybe find the root of the drool.  Well, find it we did.  Poor old girl had a tumor in the back of her mouth.  The Vet said it was essentially pinning her tongue to the bottom of her mouth, and would slowly start to cut off her ability to swallow and ultimately breathe.  So, we made the hard decision... and had her put down.  She is buried out in the yard... we will all miss her very much!  Death and dying are such difficult topics to discuss with a 2 year old, but I think Wes did pretty well with all of it!  Rest in Peace dear Pip!


  1. So sad - but you did the right thing - she was very lucky to have you as her family.

  2. It's always so hard to loose our animal family. Thinking of you all...
