Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The Fair

Annually Bill is asked to be the farrier for the Acton Fair Horse Show- it is a nice chance for him to "be seen" in the community, and it gives us a great excuse to spend the day at the fair! 
I was especially looking forward to it this year- if I recall correctly we didn't go last year... it rained I think.  I knew Wes was going to just love the animals and farm equipment.  The Acton fair is a real traditional agricultural fair; I knew it was going to be such a big deal for Wes- this is all his favorite stuff; a few dinosaurs would have blown his top!

The day started a tad cool, but got hot and humid fast!  By the time we saw the fair and had our picnic it was quite warm.  The horse show was moving along quickly, and Bill was able to spend most of the day wandering with us.

After a little while in the ride section it was clear the kids were overheating.  Olivia threw in the towel after just one ride (she had warm jeans) and went back to the car to turn on the AC!

Wes was really enjoying himself, but was getting tired... and when I saw Billy like this:

I knew it was time to head home!  Wyatt rode in the carrier all day, and despite the heat he did great!  He slept most of the time, and I kept him shrouded since the sun was so intense, but it does count as his first foray to the fair.  I know it's a tradition the kids all look forward to, so there will be many more days spent like this I'm sure!

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