Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Billy's Bike

One of the major accomplishments of the summer is Billy's learning to ride without training wheels! We took the big bike with the second seat up to Acadia as he was still balancing a bit on the training wheels and we knew he wasn't up for the longer rides- but my Dad brought along a bike with no training wheels and he spent some time cruising around the campsite with somebody hanging onto his back. Well, after having help down to the bus 2 mornings in a row, he rode home the other afternoon all by himself! He just picked it right up, and it off to the races. Actually, his favorite thing is to speed up, hit the brakes and make skid marks in the driveway! I'm so proud of him- it was really only a handful of times he rode without help before he got the hang of it. Last summer we had the training wheels very high, so he only hit them if he really started to wobble. We didn't do much with him this year, then bam in a matter of a few rides he was a biker boy! Go Billy Go!


  1. Dad got another bike and non-pink training wheels today- lol, hopefully we'll have riders at this end of town soon!
