Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Acadia part 2- the carriage roads and riding

I have wanted to do this for as long as I can remember. I think that right around the time that I got my first horse, I started dreaming of Wildwood stables, and the carriage roads of Acadia! With the vet's permission to bring Beau based on the promise that I would continue his treatment plan and be careful not to push we opted to go on our scheduled trip despite his ongoing leg issues. I have had this weekend planned for about a year, and was pretty sad about not going. The kids were really looking forward to seeing the National Park (and camping!) and since it was all paid for- off we went! I was clear with the vets about what we were going to do, and was told I could do my walking routine there as well as I could here- so off we went! In speaking with the vets- one concern was the trailer ride, but I stack wrapped him and put his full leg shipping boots on tightly and knew with our camera system I could closely monitor him the whole way! Sometimes you just have to roll with it- so even though it wasn't my planned vacation- we made the most of it, and it was a wonderful weekend!
We had reserved 3 stalls with the hopes of bringing Bill's parent's pony Nic for Olivia to ride, but that fell thru- so we just had our two. The girls took turns on Squeeke who was a champ packing them around the park! She had her own little fan club of ladies at the stables who though she was the sweetest thing! When we went out onto the trails two of us would saddle up, and Bill and Billy (plus the other one of the girls) and my Dad and Mom would head out riding bikes. There are 45 miles of groomed carriage trails, so having the kiddos on bikes was perfect to keep the trips to a manageable length- we could keep an eye on Beau's leg and stride, and we were not tempted to push too far. With my Mom and Dad along for the trip- we had our own tour guide as my Dad knows the park well. He was great at helping us plan rides that were not too far and not too hard.
The conditions were perfect! We could not have had nicer weather or trails to ride. The carriage roads are amazing and were such a treat to ride. They are wide and clear and perfectly flat- they are well maintained for driving, and we just a dream to ride! you could have trotted them all day long! I have never seen anything like it- the scenery was beautiful and just about every corner revealed a new view. The roads were clearly planned with optimal enjoyment of the park in mind. We passed bikers and a few other riders and had to navigate by a carriage or two- but otherwise you could go for hours and just enjoy the beauty and solitude. All of the other trail users (ok- except one couple on bikes that whizzed past Squeeke and startled her) were pleasant and yielded to the horses- many got off to walk their bikes as they passed and all either greeter or responded to a friendly "hello." The other riders and drivers we met were all willing to share tips and advice on which trails were "must do" and I can't wait to be able to ride them all! Some groups we met had people who have been coming 20 plus years- I don't think you could ever get tired of this!

We did a few out and back trips as most of the loops were longer than we wanted to go with Beau- but we did manage one mountain summit- a 3.8 miles loop up Day Mountain. It was probably more than I should have done with him but his stride felt good, and he was willing and forward so we continued on. We took it slow and the peddlers had quite a challenge, and we didn't want to stress the horses, but at the top the view was amazing- and bikers and riders alike voted it was well worth the climb!

I was overall thrilled with the ponies- they both were well mannered and beautifully behaved. They passed mountain bikers and carriages- new experiences for them I'm sure and were calm and cool. Beau's leg never swelled or opened up- and he maintained his stride (he was tired by Monday though!) They did well in their "new" home and settled nicely. They are a bit herd bound- but I'm ok with that. I did take Beau out for one quick walk without his girl- he was unhappy but did it anyhow. My Mom and Dad were so much fun to be with, and I certainly got enough of a taste of the park that it leaves me itching for next year when we will hopefully be able to explore more and ride out all day!


  1. Flat? Did you say those roads were flat?!? Oh, my poor legs. I think you meant smooth...

  2. That looks like a fantastic place to ride. It's beautiful.
