Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Cookie Party

We had our annual cookie decorating party this past weekend.  It's a holiday tradition I really enjoy, and I hope the kids remember fondly. 
Wes helped me roll, cut and bake the cookies while the other kids (not Wyatt!) slept in. 
 This year we had plenty of guests despite the gently falling snow
 A number of the kids were decorating, some eating and the bigger boys mostly just played!
 Wes did really well for quite a while, then began to eat icing and sprinkles...
Courtney was a decorating fiend, until Wyatt woke up, then she was on to him 100%! 
Arlene came with Mom and watched the chaos
I think Kateri and her family have come almost every year we have hosted...
It really is a fun day for me!!

We had plenty of cookies~ and a great afternoon!

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