After shopping and talking with Bill, I was pretty particular about what stroller I wanted. In fact, so particular that there was only ONE that would do! I had my eye on this Jeep 3-wheeler. It's an all terrain model that is also infant seat compatible... just about the only one I could find that fit all our needs (and it also has the ibaby system- yes folks it plays my i-pod as we stroll!)
Grandma and Grandpa Houston were kind enough to get it for us, and after having to return one that was unfortunately the wrong model I am so happy to have it! We were able to get out twice and it handles so nicely. Savanna and I were both impressed with how well it rolled along. Having it sit here in it's box for so long, I was very glad to get out and get 'er dirty... nothing like a little mud on the tires!
I have that exact stroller. I've had it not quite a year, but I've LOVED it! I also have the stroller that came with my travel system, and I rarely ever use that anymore. Jeeps rock! Now I just wish they made a double stroller!!