Saturday, November 28, 2009

Baby shower pictures

I hopped down the stairs today, and after a false start (why didn't I notice I had to go to the bathroom until AFTER I got down here?!) got my camera plugged in and uploaded- so here are a few shower pictures... Billy was in charge of taking photos, so none are great... but the memories sure are!
Baby Bear party favor on one of the tables. My Mom made the gift bags (see them on her blog) and then they sprinkled the tables with candy and all of the room was dotted with little stuffed woodland critters- to match our nursery theme...
As I said- the gift pile was stunning- we are so blessed to have such giving, caring friends and family... we received an amazing amount of stuff!

My cousin Jesse made the most adorable cake that also matched the nursery theme perfectly- the cake was moist, and the frosting creamy and not too sweet- just the way I like it!

Ignore the second chin, clearly the boy needs help in understanding camera angle! I still can't believe the gifts we got... Baby, you need to hurry so we can start to play with it all! Note the three generations of ladies- all in blue... and Savanna enjoying the blue cake!