Monday, April 9, 2012

Broken Bill

Last week Bill got hurt at work.  He was almost finished with a cranky horse (but a good client, and not a usually unhappy guy) when he was pulled under and then trampled as the horse ran over him.  He was quite sore with some serious bruising on one arm and leg but he managed to limp thru the weekend.  Then on Monday (I had kept him home) I went off to run some errands and when I got home he related a story of sneezing and feeling a "pop."  He had some serious muscle spasms and was in a lot of pain... enough so that he wanted to go tot he ER.  So, Wes and I packed him up and took him in.  The Doctor had him stand and felt around, and left Bill in a pretty bad way.  He had done a good job of holding himself just so- protecting the injury... he was now in serious pain!  An x-ray later and turns out he has a broken rib.  The Doctor was pretty impressed when we told him that he had tiled the laundry room floor the day before!  Needless to say, it was pain meds and rest for the rest of the week!  I was able to move all his clients and he sat in the recliner healing so hopefully he can work again this week.  I tried to keep his clients spread out so hopefully the week will go ok.  Poor guy is still pretty sore.  I guess it can take a while for things to mend... we shall see... I hope he feels better soon- we really need him around here!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, so sad to hear about Bill. Wow, just more proof as to how fast things can change..Hoping he is feeling better now..Bet his client felt terrible..Get Well Soon Bill.
