Tuesday, October 15, 2013


Some fall pictures. It really is beautiful:

The leaves are at peak right about now. I can't believe how quickly October arrived and took over! It is fall for sure- the snow isn't in the air yet, but the feeling that it's just around the corner is starting to creep up on me! I'm trying to get in as much outside time now, for it won't be long before we are too cold to get out as much.

We had about a dozen total apples on our little apple trees. Hopefully our orchard will fill out and we can grow as many as we use. Maybe I'll have to pester Bill for a root cellar or some other sort of cold storage!

I went up to Maine maritime with the Girl Scouts (savanna went to vt) and it was especially pretty with the small coastal towns. New England is really a neat place, and I fear we don't take enough time to really explore!

I love this spot along the drive to drop Olivia at camp Meridian. I look forward to the view every year!

The horses are eating the last of the pasture grass. They get a little hay when they are in, but for now there is still plenty to munch. It won't be long though

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