- I let the 16th of the month come and go... I opted not to do a 2nd year photo shoot. But, there are a few things to note about Wes this month: He is trying really hard to communicate- "dis" and "dat" and something sort of like "yes." He is increasingly clingy; likes either Bill or I to hold him and cries when he is put down or you walk away. Until we got sick he was really enjoying story hour at the library- I ended up going down into Springvale since out local library isn't well attended for the infant hour. It's a nice group, and he has been figuring out the routine and such for the program and having fun with the other kids. I need to do more to get him with children his age, he enjoys it so much! It's also been so cold and snowy I'm starting to notice him getting stir crazy. He has started coloring/holding pens and doing some scribbling. He likes it, and ends up pretty colorful himself!
- He had the stomach bug we all had and threw up every night for a week! I was pretty unhappy about the whole thing, and took him in to the Pedi. They were not concerned about the vomiting or diarrhea, but since he had lost 10 ounces since his 12 month appointment (just a month ago) there was some concern there. He went from eating 3 or 4 good finger food meals a day to no appetite. Suddenly he will not eat more than a bite or two of anything (even things he loved before) sometimes even refusing bottles. He has gone from easily finishing an 8oz bottle to maybe eating 4. We are going back next week for a weight check... he is on pretty much pediasure or formula until then to pack calories into him when he is willing to eat. If he hasn't gained then we will do some blood work to check for various food intolerances and possible inflammation in the stomach/bowels. I am not overly worried, except he was continued to vomit long after the rest of us are well, and he really doesn't want to eat... He is happy though; active and engaging... so I don't suspect any real issue.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Mama's boy
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just love reading your blogs Alex.. I took Abbie to a coulpe of story times at the library (springvale) but she wasn't quite into it, and I had no one to chat with... however, if you are Wes are going, maybe we'll come back.. she needs some playmates too... I fear she is spending too much time with the cockers!!!!!