I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving. We sure did! What a pleasure it is to spend the day with family, eat such a wonderful meal and reflect upon all the things we have to be thankful for!

We had 18 people at our house for the turkey meal. We did a later than usual (6pm) dinner so had a nice amount of time to visit and everyone pitched in to get things ready! Uncle Eddie made an amazing antipasto spread so we nibbled and chatted as we cooked and cleaned! We need 3 tables for sure next year- it was tight with 2... but we managed to pull together quite a feast! We did 2 turkeys... one roasted as per tradition (but I brined for the first time...) and one in deep fried. I think we cooked the fried bird a bit too long, but it was a fun process for sure!

Wes napped at all the appropriate times so he was chipper and in just the right mood for his first Thanksgiving dinner...

We certainly are blessed; what a lot we have to be thankful for!
I love the photo of Wes and his first Thanksgiving - what a gathering, you are very lucky :)