Billy's Blue and Gold banquet for Cub Scouts was this past Friday night. I have been way out of the loop with his Cub Scouts; since I broke my ankle Bill has taken over the Scouts with him. I guess in one sense that's good, it's a great Dad and me thing... but I feel like I have no idea what is going on- Bill is so bad with dates and times etc. We missed a fun ice skating field trip... you get the idea. But, we did manage to get to the blue and gold. We couldn't find his uniform shirt, so had to go with the t-shirt... but we made it alright!
Billy earned his Wolf Scout- so next year it will be off to Bears! He is doing so well- the Dad's who have taken over running the den are doing a great job! I have to recharter the pack before March and that's really my only job right now. It is sort of nice to have taken a bit of a back seat and let go a bit. I know Billy would likely prefer me to be more involved, but I don't mind let this one thing go!
Wes came along and we got rave reviews- all the other Moms and even a lot of the Dads were "oohing" and "ahhing" over him! It's so much fun to taking him out and about for the first times! A few nights before we had gone to the school for a Haiti benefit dinner, and it was the same there- loads of people just oogling him!
Billy had fun with his fellow Cub Scouts- I love watching him with other boys- around here it's just the girls (for now!) to play with so boy time is a great thing for him! They were running all about being boys- We also had a pot luck, so a second dinner this week I didn't have to make OR clean up! Yipee! I made Cindi's bean dip and it was a big hit- it got cleaned right up! I should have gotten stuff to make a second one, I certainly didn't get my fair share!
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