Monday, April 9, 2012


We had such a nice Easter this year!  Wes was really into the "egg hunt" aspect, and had fun finding his eggs and basket-
 With our new construction, there were a few new hiding spots... Savanna took the longest to find her basket this year!  The bunny hid the eggs in plain sight, which made it easier for Wes... but baskets were still hidden well for the older kids!
 Thankfully this year the weather was nice enough to have our egg hunt outside.  Olivia and Kateri decided they were "too" old so hid eggs for the youngest bunch and then hung out while the kids hunted! 

 After the egg hunt, the kids had time to play with the chicks- the men folk all helped me move some hay (since Bill isn't going to be able to life for a while) and then we went to Anna and Ed's for Easter dinner. 

I love holidays; I love the opportunity for my kids to make memories and I love that our traditions will be important to them as they continue to get older!  Oh, and I love jelly beans too.  I dread this months Drs. appointment weight in!

Work Continued

Even though Bill was on the injured list, we were able to keep picking away at the construction jobs.  The after the tile job, the other floor that needed doing was the hardwood patch where the spiral had been.  The sub floor had been heaped with Wes' toys and piles of flooring... Bill decided that laying that out was something the kids and I could do... so he directed from the recliner (ok, so he ended up doing a lot later in the week too!) and we slowly worked it out ourselves- cutting and laying it all out.  Savanna and Billy were a lot of help and filled all the holes, helped to sand and stain and voila- the floor got done! 
 We moved Bill's desk to it's new spot here by the bay window, which left my dining room looking like this:
 Like I said- Liv did the grout in the laundry room...
 and I got Wes moved downstairs!
 He needs his built-ins constructed; but that's a Daddy job for sure!  So, for now his things are heaped up... but it won't be long! 
 I got the closets laid out, and installed... and of course couldn't help myself and got the little boy's clothes hung right up!  All of the baby stuff looks so cute hanging there!

Mom and I have some sewing to do, with curtains and a comforter cover and quilt on the to-do list.  We will add wall stickers over the change table, and Olivia is making me some art for over the bed.  I got letters, and have fabric to cover them so I can spell the boy's names on their closet doors.  We have decided (this time it's for real... although I got duped with "Benjamin") on Wyatt for the new brother! 

I'll continue to take it easy on Bill- I've got fun projects to do myself... it's nice to see the progress even though he is out of commission!

Tile Proof

Here's the proof, the tile flood laid in the laundry room... broken rib and all!  Now, Savanna and I did work with him, but... seriously Bill!?!

I choose a nice, simple large white tile for the floor.  After the sneeze did him in, Olivia did the grout work.  I had picked a light grey for that.  She did a super job, and I think it came out great!  Hopefully Bill will be better soon, and we can start on the counter tops and then get the laundry hooked up down there!  

Broken Bill

Last week Bill got hurt at work.  He was almost finished with a cranky horse (but a good client, and not a usually unhappy guy) when he was pulled under and then trampled as the horse ran over him.  He was quite sore with some serious bruising on one arm and leg but he managed to limp thru the weekend.  Then on Monday (I had kept him home) I went off to run some errands and when I got home he related a story of sneezing and feeling a "pop."  He had some serious muscle spasms and was in a lot of pain... enough so that he wanted to go tot he ER.  So, Wes and I packed him up and took him in.  The Doctor had him stand and felt around, and left Bill in a pretty bad way.  He had done a good job of holding himself just so- protecting the injury... he was now in serious pain!  An x-ray later and turns out he has a broken rib.  The Doctor was pretty impressed when we told him that he had tiled the laundry room floor the day before!  Needless to say, it was pain meds and rest for the rest of the week!  I was able to move all his clients and he sat in the recliner healing so hopefully he can work again this week.  I tried to keep his clients spread out so hopefully the week will go ok.  Poor guy is still pretty sore.  I guess it can take a while for things to mend... we shall see... I hope he feels better soon- we really need him around here!!

District Concerts

The past two weeks held our school district music concerts.  Olivia sang in the chorus concert
 and Billy and Savanna drummed in the band concert.
I'm happy that all three kids have chosen to participate in our school's music programs.  I think music is important, and while practice (for our drummers!) is sometimes a struggle, I hope they can see the pay off.  I know listening to all the kids performing I could hear it!