Monday, April 25, 2011

Boys and Birds

Now that the snow has melted Wes is outside at every chance. He will bring you his boots when he wants to go out, and if you ignore him he will bring you your shoes and/or coat. When he is told "no" or "not yet" he will stand at the slider and watch the horses, dogs and chickens. He just wants to spend as much time outside as possible! I swear he would stay out all day if you let him! I will admit to bribing him inside a time or two... "cookie Wes?!"

He has found the chicken coop and really enjoys watching the hens. Now that we have the new chicks he likes them too, but he most enjoys watching the chickens eat! I can throw a scoop of scratch mix into their pen and he will be entertained for a long time! He hoots and squawks to them, and is especially interested when Billy hand feeds them. He didn't much like it when Brother tried to make him feed them too, but other than that he adores the fowl. Now, if he would only eat eggs!

Happy Easter

We had a great Easter this year- after the snowy day before, Easter Sunday was warm and sunny! It made for a perfect family day; after we hunted eggs and found our baskets we worked and played outside all afternoon! Then we had a nice dinner at Anna and Ed's with Grandma and Grandpa Houston. It was the perfect end to a lovely weekend and busy April vacation!

With the egg hunt and birthday celebrations, there was candy and good food all around! Wes had his fair share of high fructose corn syrup... but chocolate is good for you right?! He figured out opening the eggs pretty quick... and Ill be on the look out for foil coming out the back end- he was chomping down things left and right!

The bunny hid Wes' basket in a pretty easy spot. He especially loved his green match box car, and the egg toy from the first picture.

I got the kids new baskets this year- we needed one for Wes and Billy's was damaged last year. I found a matching set, and they worked out great! Billy had a blue theme, Wes green, Savanna pink and Liv, orange.

As usual Olivia's basket was the hardest to find. She had "given up" a few times and had to be coaxed to go back and look in some of the places she had already searched! She finally found hers well hidden in the linen closet in the bathroom.

After working and playing outside we got cleaned up for Easter dinner. I figured that if 9 month pregnant Auntie cooked us a full Easter dinner SOMEBODY ought to wear a tie! Wes was very cute~ but I admit my bias!!
The meal was great- Anna and Ed made a turkey since we had ham the day before at our house. The food was wonderful and it was a nice way to end the day! I love the family time we get to spend at holidays.

Egg Hunt

Our annual egg hunt was held inside this year on account of SNOW!! We had a pretty small turn-out which was fine since we had to hide eggs in the house! The kids all had a good time, and there were plenty of goodies to be found!

Kelley and Sam were able to make it, and it was so fun to have the boys together. They interacted for the first time which was adorable! Neither Sam nor Wes really "got" it, but I think they had fun too! I always love hosting the hunt, it's such a great tradition... even if you get snow on April 23rd!

Saturday, April 16, 2011


I've been pretty careful about Wes and the horses- he loves them and I want to be sure he can be safe before we get to "into" it! At first I wasn't sure whom I wanted him to "ride" first and that was my biggest hang-up. Last fall he was going to do a costume class with Beau- wearing his Halloween costume; but then Beau was sore and we skipped the show. During the prep for that though, he got plopped on Beau's back... so I was over that "who is first" part! Fast forward to now. Westley loves the horses! We hang around the fence and talk to them a lot. We stand at the slider and call to them a lot. We read his pony books a lot. "Horse" is one of the words he uses with clear intent. I know he loves them, and he is still so little... I have been trying to teach him to respect the fence, and while I don't trust him he knows not to go in with them. He watches very intently when I care for the two on Oakwoods Rd. I'm happy he shows such an interest but I'd rather he be respectful and safe especially since he isn't afraid of them! Yesterday on one of our treks outside we couldn't find the horses! We looked in both pens... and no horses?! So, Mommy showed him where the horses go... up to the field! Our grass is coming in, and they are leaving their hay to go search tender shoots and enjoy the sunshine! We walked up the hill and had a nice visit up in the big field. It was pretty cool out, but we had new boots to try and we needed to find those horses. All of the horses like Wes and will take turns at the fence sniffing hello. Poke is especially friendly, and yesterday he was simply darling with Wes! We watched from afar, then wandered closer. Poke came up to us and spent quite a while just saying hello! He was so slow, careful and concerned! I worry since I know he can't see- but that didn't stop him! After the others had gone back to grazing he stayed right by us so Wes could pat and love on him! I got some cute pictures and was pretty teary- he was being that sweet! I love this old guy- and especially with his chest wound this spring I worry about him... he is pushing 30 we guess. I'll treasure those moments he spent with us yesterday always... I can't describe how tender he was: for me, it was beyond words!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Springtime in Maine

Diaper- check. Football- check. Winter coat- check. Mud boots- check.

Ready to Play!!

Art show

This past week Billy and Savanna had art in the district Art Show. Because of the way her schedule worked (much to her dismay) Olivia didn't have art this year! Gasp! But, we had to go sign her up for High School (it's totally impossible to me!!!) classes and she picked "drawing and painting" as one of her electives... so we are all hopeful for next year!

Savanna had a 3-d piece exhibited. Hers is the clay hamburger on the bottom shelf! Billy had a neat collage piece hung in the show. They made different pictures, then tore them up to make lines of perspective. He added a house in the foreground, it is primarily blues and greens and is the one on the bottom.

Monday, April 11, 2011

12 weeks- diet update

Today is 12 weeks of dieting and as of this morning I am down exactly 30 pounds! Yahoo! Mom and I went shopping this weekend for a few pairs of smaller jeans! Yipee!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

My Monkey

Look what Wes figured out last night! He often "helps" me cook dinner; standing on a chair while I prepare the meal. Well, he is super into feeding the dogs treats these days, and hates when you tell him "no!" The poor pups have been getting about 10 cookies at a time... and you have to cut him off or he would just keep feeding. He whines in the kitchen until you give him treats to throw to the boys; it's a favorite pass time. Well, after being shut down last night, he resigned himself to working with me on supper. Then, the light bulb went off. He pushed his chair to the other side of the room and climbed over the back to get up onto the counter to the canister! Unlucky for him I was standing right here!! What a monkey~ (and yes, the dogs did get one more treat!)

Sunday, April 3, 2011


We took the boys for haircuts this morning! Billy needed one badly, and I wanted Wes cleaned up- this was his first cut!

Billy: Before



Wes: Before He was very good, I had stashed a lollipop in case, but we didn't need it! He sat very well...
Loved the attention
Up until a certain point! But by then he was pretty much done... Photog Savanna got all blurry after shots, so when he gets up I'll snap one!

April Fool's Storm

This past friday the kids had yet another snow day... we had a pretty ugly April Fool's day storm- we got over a foot of a wet heavy snow. After the nasty part of the storm passed the kids and I packed down the deck steps and made a sled track!

District Chorus Concert

Savanna and the other members of the Hurd School Chorus sang in the District Chorus Concert this past week- the selection their group sang individually was not my favorite of the evening, but as a while group the kids all sounded great together and it was fun to get out and see her on stage! She and Kate have so much fun singing- I hope they continue next year at the Knowlton School!