my computer- and all my photo software and dock etc. are downstairs... down the spiral stairs... and way out of my reach for now, I have to post photo-less. My Mom has promised to hack in here one day and add some pictures from her camera, but for now here is the link to her blog, where she posted a couple already (the invite is quite a few posts back, then the cake and favors are closer to the top)
http://bethscards.blogspot.comLast Saturday was my baby shower- we had such a nice time, and, unusually for me, I was mildly surprised! I was under the impression that the shower was to be held here (my home is the largest of the family... and most central... and I'm home bound...) but in actuality they hosted at the lovely hotel on the beach where my sister works. The room was beautiful- all decorated in blue and yellow and green, with tons of "woodland" critters that all match our nursery theme! The cake (made by my talented cousin Jesse) was adorable- almost too cute to eat! The pile of gifts was stunning... really I was blown away by the kindness and generosity of our friends and family!
I got some really amazing things- stuff I had registered for, and some stuff others picked out... man is baby stuff adorable these days! I'll admit a pang of disappointment when we found out we are having a boy- mostly for the "stuff" though~ I so wanted to shop for cute girl things... but man oh man there are some great baby boy things to be had! We got the stroller and swing I wanted, a bath tub set and baby sling/backpack carrier, TONS of clothes and toys, medical/baby care stuff, a changing pad and cover, shoes, socks, blankets and more! The stack is sitting in the living room and nearly covers the bay window! I had them leave it all up here, so I can finger it at will!
His new dresser has arrived, and will come in tow with my Mom and Dad on turkey day, so the "set up" will begin downstairs... I have 2 more weeks in the hard cast, until they recheck and hopefully I can move into an air cast and get cleared for more mobility... I can't wait! I am a bit worried- I still have some pain and swelling issues, but I am hopeful. Yesterday made us 32 weeks... we are closing in- now I've got Thanksgiving, Black Friday and then Christmas to get thru- I have a feeling time is going to fly!