Fheww. Working in the Special Ed Program was killer- well, not too terrible as far as the actual work goes, but man oh man did it wear me out, and keep me from a lot of other things! Now that that stint is over, I'm back!
Saturday my friend Linda and I took Miller and Beau off for a nice trail ride. As we arrived on the property we passed 2 other riders coming back and they warned us that the bugs were bad. Well, luckily they didn't bother us too much and we had an awsome time! It was a beautiful day (after nearly a week of rain!) and the river was running full- the sun shining, and it felt so good to be back on my horse having fun! Linda watched us from behind quite a bit, and said he looked just fine, and he felt great. We did a few nice long trot stretches, but mostly walked- just what Beau needs! He and Miller get along so well. Its such a treat to ride out with them.
Today the Vets were coming for dental exams... but when I fed at 6:15 I noticed trouble a'brewin. I fed and then went on as usual to pick out Beau's stall. When I came out Squeeke was laying down... it was odd- shes never done that before. So, I moseyed over and yup- 1/2 her breakfast was still in her feed tub. I coaxed her up, and she went right back down. Sigh. So, I headed directly to the banamine and dosed her right quick. Then we spent the better part of an hour walking up and down the driveway. We loaded on and off the trailer a few times trying to induce some manure- but no luck. With the meds I figured she was more comfortable and could stand while I got the little 2 off to the bus stop. When I came back out to the stall, she had pooped! Yipee. Her gut sounds were never really decreased, and she wasn't in distress (not thrashing or pawing, no sweat or frantic behavior) I just knew she wasn't feeling too good. Maybe gas?!
So needless to say she got a "physical" when the vet came, and got her teeth floating postponed. I didn't want to stress her when I knew she wasn't 100% She is fine now- has had a few hours of turnout and a small flake of hay. Ill keep an eye on her to be sure, but she seems back to her normal self. They will skip the grass tonight just to be sure, I know her "brothers" will be mad, but I don't want to risk it!
Beau and I went for a nice trail ride this afternoon- its a beautiful day and we are due for more rain later in the week. So, despite the fact that I had a yucky stomach- I got on anyhow! I was so glad I did- it was lovely in the woods- and he was a good boy! There is a lot of water on the trails- so that was good practice. He doesn't always like to hack out alone, but today he was very good about it! I was excited to ride a loop Bill and Savanna cleared for me. There was a lot of stuff down from all the winter storms and they cleared it a while back, but I didn't get a chance to ride it until now. I'm really lucky to have such great trails out my back door- and now is a great time to explore! The walking is great for Beau while we rehab, and there is so much to discover!