Tuesday we had our appointment for the first half of spring shots (I break it up so nobody gets too much in one day) and I almost missed the Vet! Bill agreed to walk with me in the morning, and we took the dogs and headed off. I wanted to know about some trails out where I have been walking Beau and instead of telling me... he showed me! We walked about an hour on a really nice loop I want to try as soon as we are ready for it! I had my phone in my pocket... but got no reception in the woods- well the Vet was right on time (I always assume they are going to be late) and we were still out. All 3 vehicles were in the drive- so she knew something was up. They waited 15 mins and had just left when we came back and I got the message. They were close enough to turn back and we were still able to get it done! Squeeke and Poke will have to wait for dental work until the next visit (2 weeks) as the Vet broke her finger a few days ago. Beau was done in the fall, and should be fine to wait. She watched him trot off, and said he looked good. He took an off step, but I think it was the gravel and the fact he had just walked over an hour on the trails- including a bit of bush whacking! Shhhh. Don't tell them that! We pulled coggins' and they all got 1/2 their shots, we will do the rest next visit. Beau goes back to NEEC in 2 weeks too, and she said she thought I could be "a little hopeful." I said something about maybe all I'll ever do is walk the trails, and both she and the tech were like, "nah." We shall see.
Wednesday I had to run and get grain, and I had a gift certificate to the tack shop burning a hole in my pocket. Thanks Bill and Beth~ Happy Birthday to me!! So, after I hit town I stopped in to see what I could find. The shop itself also had sent out a $10 off coupon (for $50 or more) so I could have $60 of "free" stuff! I got a bunch of needed items and felt happy with that- although it wasn't anything fun for myself, it was stuff I needed and didn't have to buy. Then, as we were checking out, I was joking with my friend that I can never sell stuff- I'm a hoarder (she had over $100 in consignment money) It dawned on my that years ago I had brought stuff to the shop to sell... and low and behold I had $40 credit for 2 pairs of breeches I sold 4 years ago! So, I ran back and got this cute pair of baby blue and yellow plaid polos I saw... and I still have $11 credit left for next time! I can't believe it happened, but somehow I MADE money on that tack shop trip, got everything I needed and a fun new pair of wraps to boot!
Today and tomorrow I am working at the school. I have not had much chance to sub lately with Beau hurt, but I did have a few days planned that I agreed to long ago... So, I opted to honor them as I felt obligated and I can sure use the cash! I have these 2 days, and one day next week- then I am doing a "long term" position for the first 2 weeks of June. Hopefully Beau will be less intensive by then... 'cause it sure is stressful trying to work and get his treatments in too!